Monday, July 15, 2019


Decorative flocking is done using any one of the following application methods:
·         Electrostatic
·         Beater bar/gravity
·         Spraying and
·         Transfers.
The electrostatic method is the most viable flocking method.
Flocking is an alternative decorating method for achieving unusual look. It costs slightly more than that produced by a standard screen print, and for textiles, it is less expensive than embroidery. This process uses dyed fibers of nylon that are charged with high voltage and driven into design. This process eliminates fiber shedding, which is common with most other flocked images. Standard flock transfers can also be made in house.
Basically the pre-press is the same as it is for the screen printing with only a few differences. The screens are made from coarser mesh counts and the line thickness of some of the art work is increased. The adhesive is printed, and a crystalline powder is applied to the transfer and then is sent through the dryer at a low temperature. This removes moisture from the adhesive, but does not melt crystalline powder. Excess powder is removed and the transfer is sent through the dryer for second time. This binds the powder chemically to the adhesive.

The most successful method to ensure a good dense coverage is a combination of electrostatic flock application with the use of beater bars to help increase the density of the coating.

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